I’d definitely introduce them to substack. That is...
# advice-sharing
I’d definitely introduce them to substack. That is a solid place to write and then use other platforms to send people there. I think newsletters are starting to become more popular than blogs. That said, I wrote a blog from 2016-2017 where I wrote one story every day for a year. It ended up with over 5000 readers and had quite a nice litter presence. From that, I really learned that it’s all about consistency. I tried to recreate it in other ways but don’t have the bandwidth to write every day and changed tactics to focus on having work published in magazines instead and started writing more non-fiction article stuff. But even when I written for magazines (non-fiction) with millions of readers, never got the sort of loyalty you get from a consistent blog. (I wrote the blog on Wordpress) Depending on what they write, instagram is a good place. They should just be aware that posting on their own limits where they can send the stories later. Though, you might mention that if they get real good, they could use those core stories and totally rewrite them and delete the old ones. As long as it’s different enough from the first posting, I don’t think it counts for previously published. Pinterest is a good place as well. Probably pinterest/Tumblr are better now than twitter since twitter has gone all elon-fuckery. If they want to write more nonfiction stuff, medium is pretty good. Or it used to be. I wrote personal essays on there for a couple years and gained around 7K followers. Also, starting publications is a good way to network. Absolute shit for fiction though. Personal account or writer account. Oo, varies. Personally, I hate social media. So those accounts are the same. If I want to keep loved ones up to date on my business, I call or text them. So socials for only professional stuff works fine for me. I’d say if they are going to split them, make the personal one private and not direct to it in any communications. That said, I think a creators fanbase starts with their friends and family, so if they converted it, friends and family are more likely to share which will get eyes on their work. So, there are pros and cons. Loss of privacy vs built in initial audience. I don’t know anything about fanfic. When we get some of the major updates we’re working on settled, we’re brainstorming a series of video-insta posts with creators with large audiences who can give some tips. Keep an eye on our instagram for those. Hope all of this helps a bit.