I got an email today that a mag wants to publish a...
# just-chill
I got an email today that a mag wants to publish all three of the poems I sent their way a few weeks ago! I'm going to accept but I haven't replied yet because I'm wondering about any kind of exclusivity they require, i.e. not sending out those poems to any other mags for 3/6/12 months, etc. There's nothing about that on their website and the acceptance email from the editor said 'And lastly, I just want to remind you that I do not and will never claim ownership of your work. I simply would love for it to be a part of this publication." Would it be rude to write back and essentially say "I'd love for my poems to be published with your mag but how long before I can send these poems out for reprints?" This is only my fourth publication ever, I'm still new to this lol