Hi ya'll! Gradaran Literary Magazine has opened su...
# submission-calls
Hi ya'll! Gradaran Literary Magazine has opened submissions today for our first issue (!!) "Pan's Flute". We're looking for mythology / folk literature works based on the spring season for this issue. Interpret that however you like, just make sure it's tied to mythology/ folk literature in a way. We want either retellings/new perspectives on existing tales (myths, folk tales, etc etc) or your own ideas! We accept nonfiction prose, fiction prose, and poetry. Submissions close on March 1st. For submission guidelines, questions, or just more information, you can find us at https://gradaranliterarymagazine.weebly.com/ :D https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092817008518779001/1204225478957998090/FEBRUARY_5TH.png?ex=65d3f55f&is=65c1805f&hm=22015327751043ba08cfe7382c1fcc00b3c46c9f1fd6a5f03f70cc249d9ff6cf&