I need a "mourn an acceptance/release" channel for...
# celebrate-an-acceptance
I need a "mourn an acceptance/release" channel for this one. Story time: I won second place in Contemporary Verse 2's 2-Day-Poem contest back in April. Had to use 10 given words and had 48 hours to write the poem. Cool cool cool. Judge said some really nice things about it, great. I've been waiting to share this poem with people on social media since I got the news in July. I wrote a contrapuntal (because I'm insane), and those are notoriously difficult poems to post on social media due to formatting. So I waited until the website posted my work. Y'all. They skipped my poem. 😦 https://contemporaryverse2.ca/past-winners/ It's likely due to formatting issues, but I'm still bummed. If you want to read the piece, it's here, along with the words I had to use, and a super nice message from the judge: https://twitter.com/kristinthered/status/1741875591475790027