Chill Subs Discord: Rules and Whatnot   1. This is...
# just-chill
Chill Subs Discord: Rules and Whatnot   1. This is an inclusive space for all walks of life. Be kind. We have a 0 tolerance policy for hate speech. One and done.   2. We have an open invitation for any LitMags, organizations, workshoppers, resource runners, etc. etc. who would like to open a channel on our discord. E-mail us:   3. Want to be a moderator? We’d love to hear from you. E-mail us:   4. On the left you'll find a few sections run by us:   I'd Like to Speak to the Submissions Manager will be all things SLUSHPILE, the submissions manager we are building.   There we have a channel for updates & to recommend a feature. We also have a general 'chit-chat-chat' for any...well, chit-chat related to the submissions manager.   In Chill Hang outs, we have an updates channel, just chill, ask us anything, recommend a feature, rejection therapy, celebrate an acceptance, and advice sharing. The names are pretty self explanatory.   We're always open to adding new channels here so please let us know if you've got any ideas.